Tracy Barden, 47, 4th- & 5th-grade writing & social studies teacher at Springlake-Earth Elementary School, Springlake-Earth ISD, Earth, Texas, "improper relationship with a student" Formerly worked as: Special education / inclusion teacher at Coronado Middle School, Plainview ISD, Plainview, Texas KCBD: Springlake-Earth teacher charged with having inappropriate (Dec 5 2013) Sheriff's deputies arrested 47-year-old Tracy Barden on Thursday afternoon ... Authorities have not released how long they believe the relationship has been going on, but they say the female student is now 18 years old. Barden had already resigned from his teaching position before his arrest. Tags:
Lubbock Avalanche-Journal: Springlake-Earth teacher indicted for inappropriate relationship with 17-year-ol: Indictment alleges teacher performed oral sex with student (Dec 6 2013) According to the indictment, Tracy Barden had oral sex with a student Nov. 22 ... [School superintendent Denver] Crum said the Sheriff’s Office told him Nov. 23 that a fourth-grade teacher was under investigation. He said the teacher was placed on administrative leave immediately.
Globe-News: Ex-area teacher indicted in student sex case (Dec 6 2013) According to the indictment, Tracy Barden had oral sex with a student Nov. 22. Barden resigned Nov. 25 from his job teaching fourth grade at Springlake-Earth after being placed on administrative leave Nov. 23, according to Denver Crum, the district superintendent.
Plainview Daily Herald: Former PISD teacher indicted (Dec 7 2013) A former Plainview teacher is now being indicted by a Lamb County grand jury on a second-degree felony charge of having an improper relationship with a student. According to the indictment, Tracy Barden, who was working as a Springlake-Earth teacher, had oral sex with a student Nov. 22 ... Barden also owned PC Solutions in Plainview and was the restaurant owner of the Lunchbox.
This sicko is my husband. We got married in Houston in 1995, and I haven't seen him since 1997. He molested his young female cousin before we met, and sexually abused our son as an infant. He terminated his parental rights after this. I read on Avvo that his young victim in this case wants to marry him. I am horrified by the thought. He is a dangerous sexual predator and can not be trusted around children, male or female. My case against him can be found on the Harris County District Clerk's website. Please, if anyone knows his whereabouts or those of the victim, contact me. I know it's really none of my business, but knowing what I know, I would feel guilty not speaking up. I was the age of this poor girl when I met him, and she should run very quickly in the opposite direction. Thank you for reading. PS As a side note, his twin brother, Stacy Barden, is currently serving an 8-year sentence in TDC for indecency with a child. There is something very wrong with the entire family.