Ronald D. Culver (985 W. Blackburn Dr., Inverness, Illinois), 51 (born 13 Dec 1958), English & drama teacher at Lake Zurich High School, Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95, Lake Zurich, Illinois, "charged with sex abuse against a student" Lake Zurich High School cancels production of “The Sparrow” Nov 2 2010 In light of the recent arrest of Lake Zurich High School drama teacher Ronald D. Culver ... Culver, 51, was charged with sex abuse against a student, officials said today. He resigned his position as a speech and drama teacher with the district on Friday and surrendered to police Monday night, according to officials. Tags:
Victim of Inverness Home Invasion was Teacher Ronald Culver, Accused of Aggravated Sexual Abuse of 2 Students 21 Feb 2011 ... Ronald D. Culver, 51, was attacked in his Inverness home by a relative of a student that he is accused of molesting. The relative rang the doorbell Tuesday night at the home of Ronald D. Culver ... who was charged with criminal sexual abuse after he surrendered to Lake Zurich police on Monday night, November 01, 2010. When Culver answered the door, the relative entered the home shouting, and displaying a handgun. Inverness police responded about 8:20 p.m. Tuesday to a report of a home invasion in the 900 block of North Blackburn Drive. The victim reported that a male/white subject put a gun in the victim’s mouth and struck the victim in the head with the gun. Police had received a report that the 49-year-old male displayed a silver handgun as he struck the victim.
Ex-Teacher Pleads Guilty To Sexual Abuse Of Two Lake Zurich Students 9 Oct 2011 Former Lake Zurich High School teacher Ronald D. Culver, 52, was sentenced to two years in prison and two years of probation Aug. 9 after pleading guilty to criminal sexual abuse of two Lake Zurich High School students. Culver ... plead guilty to aggravated criminal sexual abuse ... and an amended charge from aggravated criminal sexual abuse down to criminal sexual abuse ...
Ex-Teacher Pleads Guilty To Sexual Abuse Of Two LZHS Students 29 Dec 2011 Former Lake Zurich High School teacher Ronald D. Culver, 52, was sentenced to two years in prison and two years of probation Aug. 9 after pleading guilty to criminal sexual abuse of two Lake Zurich High School students ... Lake Zurich police arrested Culver on Oct. 29. He was charged with aggravated sexual abuse against one student. He immediately resigned from Lake Zurich High School. Shortly thereafter, a second student came forward and made a similar claim, according to Lake Zurich police. The terms of the sentence include: Culver will have to registered as a sex offender; He is not allowed to have contact with the two victims, their families, anyone that is younger than age 18, or contact any of the Lake Zurich schools; He will not be able to use the Internet; He cannot use drugs or alcohol; He will have to submit to DNA and sexually transmitted disease tests; And he must be cooperative in being evaluated and assessed. In addition to those terms, Culver also must pay each victim $500 in restitution, as well as court costs and other related fees totaling $6,017.
Dist. 95 settles teacher molestation suit 24 March 2013 Lake Zurich Unit District 95 has settled one of two lawsuits claiming officials ignored complaints about inappropriate sexual conduct by a high school teacher toward a student about eight months before criminal charges were filed against him in 2010. Without comment, elected officials last month agreed to pay $192,000 to settle the suit ...
Court upholds Dist. 214's firing of teacher who attacked son's molester: District 214 dismissed Rolling Meadows teacher after he beat his son's abuser 9 Oct 2014 An Illinois appeals court this week upheld Northwest Suburban High School District 214's right to fire a Rolling Meadows High School teacher who was charged with attacking his son's molester. The Rolling Meadows teacher -- whom the Daily Herald is not naming to protect his son's identity -- was fired in 2011 shortly after he attacked Ronald D. Culver of Inverness. Culver was an English and drama teacher at Lake Zurich High School who was charged with sexually abusing the man's son, a special education student, and another boy. The Rolling Meadows teacher learned of the sexual abuse of his son in November 2010, shortly after Culver was charged and resigned from his Lake Zurich teaching position. A few months later, on Jan. 18, 2011, the Rolling Meadows teacher went to Culver's house, forced his way inside, screamed at Culver, threatened him with an unloaded gun and then hit him with the weapon, according to court documents. "He started screaming, 'You're a child molester!' 'You ruined my child's life!'" Inverness Police Chief Bob Haas told the Daily Herald at the time.
Here's the URL to the October 9, 2014 article. Daily Herald Court upholds Dist. 214's firing of teacher who attacked son's molester. District 214 dismissed Rolling Meadows teacher after he beat his son's abuser. 10/9/2014 2:14 PM By Melissa Silverberg An Illinois appeals court this week upheld Northwest Suburban High School District 214's right to fire a Rolling Meadows High School teacher who was charged with attacking his son's molester. Here's the URL (also posted above) to the January 21, 2011 article that was mentioned in the October 9, 2014 article. Daily Herald Suspected Lake Zurich HS teacher attacked at home by accuser's relative 1/21/2011 8:45 PM By Eric Peterson & Barbara Vitello A former Lake Zurich High School teacher facing charges he molested two of his students was attacked in his Inverness home this week by a relative of one of his accusers, authorities said.