I Worked at a Prison. My Boss Stalked Me to Prove I Wasn’t Injured.

Discussion in 'Police, Jailers, Prison Guards, Firefighters, etc.' started by News Readers, Sep 14, 2021.

  1. News Readers

    News Readers The Paperboy

    I Worked at a Prison. My Boss Stalked Me to Prove I Wasn’t Injured.

    It started back in 2016 after I tore my peroneal tendon in my ankle on the gun range. The agency fought tooth and nail with the office of workers’ comp not to approve a much-needed repair surgery. Two of my personal doctors said I needed it. So did an orthopedic specialist that the agency selected. Still, the agency delayed my surgery until 2018. All that time I was walking around in a cast or boot in agonizing pain. I was not working because they would not let me work considering that I needed surgery. My supervisor, as a way to ...

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