Cheerleading has a list of people banned from the sport. It was missing 74 convicted sex...

Discussion in 'Articles' started by News Readers, Jan 12, 2022.

  1. News Readers

    News Readers The Paperboy

    Cheerleading has a list of people banned from the sport. It was missing 74 convicted sex offenders

    One after another, a dozen young cheerleaders raced across a springy blue mat and flung themselves into a series of roundoffs and backflips, the thump of their hands and feet reverberating through the open Ohio gym. Mishelle Robinson, the gym owner and coach, called out instructions across the cavernous warehouse. "Arms up!" Photos of beaming athletes and a line of golden trophies adorned the walls. Among a row of banners, one emblazoned with the acronym USASF denoted the gym’s membership in the U.S. All Star Federation, the national organization that oversees the high-stakes world of competitive cheerleading. USASF’s extensive rules ...

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    [google]Cheerleading has a list of people banned from the sport. It was missing 74 convicted sex offenders[/google]