This is now our mostly popular thread ever with almost 39,000 views. The Brittni Colleps thread is now down to the number 2 spot, trailing by a thousand views, and the gap is widening.
ABC News: California School Official Abruptly Resigns After Video Accuses Her of Sex Abuse (Jan 21 2014) An assistant principal in a California school abruptly resigned on the same day that a woman posted a YouTube video claiming the woman had molested her for years when she was a middle school student. The accuser, who is now 28, said she posted the video because when she finally worked up the courage to report the alleged abuse, she learned that the statute of limitations on the accusation had expired. She said she went public, instead, to make sure the woman would never work with children again. The YouTube video was posted on Friday by a woman who identified herself as "Jamie X" and in the video she appeared to confront the alleged abuser over the phone. Jamie X, who says she is now a mother, claims in the video that she was a 12-year-old student at Chemawa Middle School in Riverside, Calif., when the abuse allegedly occurred. ... Alhambra Unified School District Superintendent Laura Tellez-Gagliano said in a statement staff received a link to the video after it was posted and immediately reported it to the Alhambra Police Department. Later that day, Tellez-Gagliano said Andrea Cardosa, who was named by Jamie as her abuser, resigned from her position as an assistant principal at Alhambra High School. ..."I just hope that people share this video and she gets what she deserves. She shouldn't be around children," Jamie X says. "She ruined my life. Why should she get a life?"
UK Independent: Teacher Andrea Cardosa resigns after student Jamie Carillo posts sexual abuse confession on YouTube (Jan 21 2014) Alhambra High School vice principal Andrea Cardosa has stepped down after former student Jamie Carillo allegedly got her to admit on the phone to sexually abusing her 16 years previously and the confession went viral on YouTube. The California school identified Cardosa as the accused and told parents that the matter had been turned over to police, stressing that the alleged abuse took place in another school district. Carillo, 28, racked up hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube over the weekend, when she rang Cardosa to confront her on the matter and filmed herself doing so.
Newer article at the UK Daily Mail ... UK Daily Mail: Pictured: The assistant principal who abruptly resigned on the same day a former student confronted her about alleged sexual abuse (Jan 21 2014) Jamie Carrillo posted video last Friday where she confronted her alleged teacher rapist Andrea Cardosa about the alleged assault 15 years ago Cardosa was recently working as assistant principal at Alahambra Unified School district in California for 4 months Miss Carrillo said she was just 12 and at Chemawa Middle School in Riverside when Cardosa allegedly first kissed her in the locker room She told alleged attacker that she has children of her own and that her former teacher's actions ruined her life and that she is 'disgusting'
Via KTLA & the UK Daily Mail, photos provided by Jamie Carillo showing both Jamie & Andrea Cardosa:
Whittier Daily News: Abuse case involving Alhambra school administrator under investigation (Jan 21 2014) Police Tuesday said they opened an investigation into a former Alhambra High School administrator after a YouTube video surfaced alleging the woman sexually abused a former student over the course of several years....The former basketball coach guilted Carrillo into continuing the relationship for about six years, Carrillo said in a Monday press conference in front of Alhambra High School. “She told me my family didn’t love me and nobody cared about me,” she said. “She said she was the only one that cared and loved me … She really did make me believe the things that she had said, to the point where I didn’t know that it was wrong.” ["Guilt" is a verb? ] ...California law requires that a person ask for permission before recording a phone conversation, something Carrillo did not do in her viral YouTube video ... For now, Carrillo doesn’t have to worry that she infringed California law, Graham said. “Our main concern is her original complaint about all the possible alleged acts of a sexual nature,” Graham said. [I was wondering if California is a one- or two-party consent state with regard to recording phone calls.] Attorney David Ring said his law firm is pursuing a civil case against Cardosa and that the statute of limitations might not apply in this case. “In 1999, there appears to have been some sort of investigation by the school into Ms. Cardosa’s relationship with Jamie and apparently that somehow ended with Ms. Cardosa agreeing to resign from the school and perhaps being given a positive recommendation that she could go on to find employment elsewhere,” Ring said. “That’s typically called ‘passing the trash.’ ”Riverside Unified School District is organizing paperwork to turn over to the Riverside Police Department, spokeswoman Jacquie Paul said. The process is a difficult one because the alleged incident happened so long ago, she added. Pasadena Star-News: Abuse case involving Alhambra school administrator under investigation (Jan 21 2014)
Huffington Post: Jamie Carrillo Secretly Records Confrontation With Alleged Childhood Rapist [VIDEO] (Jan 21 2014) ... according to the legal website, the statute of limitations for childhood sexual abuse in California is not always limited by periods of time. "[It is] eight years from the victim's 18th birthday or three years after the victim realizes that physical or psychological injury has resulted from childhood sexual abuse, no matter what the victim's age," the website states.
Personally, I think there's a high probability that Andrea Cardosa will end up behind bars. Another great example is the case of wise-(expletive deleted) James Christopher Hooker of Modesto, California, who figured he had beat the rap with his current high-school sweetheart. He ended up copping a guilty plea for a 1998 liaison with a 17-year-old female student.
Documentation? A newsletter published January 2013 clearly shows her at Vista Verde Middle School at that time: Verde Middle SARC 2011-12.pdf
ABC Local KABC: Second sex abuse victim comes forward after YouTube video (Jan 21 2014) A second victim has come forward claiming she was molested by a former Alhambra assistant principal and Riverside teacher. The alleged abuser was confronted by another former student in a YouTube video Friday that has since gone viral. Riverside police say the second victim came forward after the YouTube video surfaced of the first alleged victim, identified as Jamie. ...The Riverside School District has since confirmed Cardosa was a temporary status teacher at Chemawa Middle School in Riverside. She resigned in 1999, but the school district says they can't say why.
UK Daily Mail: Second 'victim' claims she was molested by female assistant principal who abruptly resigned on same day a former student accused her of sexual abuse (Jan 22 2014) Jamie Carrillo posted video last Friday where she confronted her alleged teacher rapist Andrea Cardosa about the alleged assault 15 years ago Cardosa was recently working as assistant principal at Alahambra Unified School district in California for 4 months Miss Carrillo said she was just 12 and at Chemawa Middle School in Riverside when Cardosa allegedly first kissed her in the locker room She told alleged attacker that she has children of her own and that her former teacher's actions ruined her life and that she is 'disgusting' A female assistant principal who abruptly resigned after a former student accused her of sexual abuse is facing fresh allegations from a second victim. Police said the second person came forward after a YouTube video was posted online in which a now 28-year-old mother confronts Andrea Cardosa, a school administrator in Alhambra, California, and former Riverside teacher.
KTLA: YouTube Accuser May Seek Civil Lawsuit in Sex Abuse Allegations (Jan 21 2014) Alhambra High School students returned to class Tuesday after their assistant principal resigned, following a woman’s allegations in a YouTube video that the administrator had sexually abused her for years....A source inside Riverside Police Department confirmed that investigators were looking into the case. “I was just a kid,” Carrillo told KTLA in an interview. “I just wanted somebody to like me. And I guess I got it, just not in a way that I wanted.” She said she was moved to call her alleged abuser after seeing a television program about a girl who was sexually abused. She Googled “Andrea Cardosa” and found she was now working at Alhambra High, Carrillo said. “I want her to be in jail and pay for what she’s done,” Carrillo told KTLA. “She shouldn’t be around children. That’s what made me do this.” Carrillo hired an attorney after the YouTube video garnered so much attention. At a Monday news conference near Alhambra High, lawyer David Ring stood by Carrillo, saying a civil lawsuit was a possibility....Riverside school officials had investigated the relationship between the student and her coach when Carrillo was 12, but Cardosa was allowed to resign and continued working as an educator with no professional repercussions, according to Ring. “That’s typically called ‘passing the trash,’” Ring said.When she was questioned by investigators at the time, Carrillo said she told them that Cardosa had kissed her. Carrillo hopes “other victims” will come forward, she said at the news conference. In the past, Cardosa had threatened to kill herself if she reported the relationship, Carrillo said.
NY Times: Woman Posts Video of Phone Confrontation Accusing Ex-Teacher of Sexual Abuse (Jan 21 2014) A 28-year-old California woman posted on YouTube last week a secret telephone recording of her confrontation with a former middle school teacher who acknowledged sexually abusing her as a 12-year-old. The former teacher expressed regret for her actions during the recorded conversation, which has gone viral online. ...David M. Ring, a lawyer who has been representing Ms. Carrillo since the YouTube video attracted widespread media attention on Monday, said that his client was 12 in 1999 and a student at Chemawa Middle School in Riverside when she met Ms. Cordosa, then a teacher and basketball coach. “What prompted her to do it is that she has kids of her own,” Mr. Ring said of Ms. Carrillo. “Her oldest is 11 years old. Over the last several months, it bothered her that she was about the same age when this lady did this to her. It got her angry. ” Mr. Ring said that Ms. Carrillo had “zero expectations” that anything would come from posting her confrontation with her former teacher online. He said she searched on Google on Friday for the woman’s name and was surprised to find someone by that name who was a vice principal at Alhambra High School.“She wasn’t positive it was the same lady,” Mr. Ring said. “But she made the important decision to call up the high school and see if it was the same lady and confront her.” Later that day, the video came to the attention of Alhambra school district officials, who notified the police in Alhambra and Riverside, where law enforcement officials are looking into the accusations.
L.A. Times: YouTube sex abuse claim: Alhambra vice principal used manipulation (Jan 21 2014) In an exclusive interview with KTLA-TV, Jamie claims she was just 12 years old and attending middle school in Riverside when the former teacher started sexually molesting her. "She just completely manipulated me into thinking that I needed her and I wanted it,” Jamie told KTLA. Jamie said Monday she would seek legal action to ensure her alleged abuser never worked with children again. In a halting voice at a news conference Monday afternoon in front of Alhambra High School, Jamie alleged her former teacher molested her until she graduated from high school. “She told me that my family didn’t love me. That nobody cared about me, that she was my only friend and the only person who cared about me,” said Jamie, flanked by her attorney and her fiance.Alhambra Unified School District Superintendent Laura Tellez-Gagliano said school staff received an email with a link to the video on Friday and immediately reported it to the Alhambra Police Department. Alhambra police contacted Jamie and verified the authenticity of her claims in the video before referring the complaint to the Riverside Police Department, according to a news release. Later that day, Tellez-Gagliano said, Alhambra High School’s vice principal of student services, Andrea Cardosa, resigned.Cardosa was hired less than four months ago, Tellez-Gagliano said. She had "stellar recommendations," and the district completed a background check before hiring her, Tellez-Gagliano said.
UK Metro: ‘A call to my childhood rapist teacher’ – Woman confronts ‘abuser’ and uploads video to YouTube (Jan 22 2014) Jamie Carrillo, now 28 with children of her own, tracked down and found a phone number for the teacher, who had since gone on to become an assistant principal in another school. In the video, Ms Carrillo explains who she is and what she is doing – all while holding a phone in her hand on loudspeaker. She claims that the person she is ringing groomed and abused her for many years, and that she is going to confront her. ‘Why did you do that? I was only 12 years old when I met you,’ she asks the woman who answers as Andrea Cardosa, an assistant principal within the Alhambra Unified School District, California ... ‘I decided to call her and make a video to let the public know what kind of person is around their children.’
Daily Beast: Woman Accuses Alleged Rapist Teacher On YouTube: How one woman used the Internet to accuse her alleged childhood abuser (Jan 22 2014) We’re all too familiar with the inherent dangers of Internet vigilantism—the false leads on social media sites following the Boston Marathon bombings, the attempts to seek digital justice motivated by nefarious intent. But every now and then, online vigilantism precipitates civic justice. ...Jamie, now 28, says she only recently came to terms with the alleged sex abuse and was planning on reporting it to authorities when she discovered that the statute of limitations on the alleged crime had expired. So, according to Jamie, she took matters in her own hands, exposing her alleged abuser to everyone with an Internet connection."She gets away with everything she has done, so I decided I'm going to call her to get some answers from her," ...Rarely do we see justice, vigilante or otherwise, dispensed in real time with such clean results.
Jezebel: Woman Confronts Alleged Rapist on YouTube; The Result Is Jaw-Dropping (Jan 21 2014) In just one week, a 28-year-old woman outed her childhood molester on YouTube and received swift justice. Once again, the Internet proves itself the great equalizer ... In the jaw-dropping video, Jamie finally reaches Cardosa who eventually admits her abuse of Jamie, saying that she "regrets it every day" and still doesn't know why it happened. Jamie explains to Cardosa that she'd ruined her life and shouldn't be around other children because she is a predator ...