William E. Sheehan, now residing in Ft. Myers, Florida, retired teacher from Foxborough, Massachusetts, "accused of sexually abusing at least eight young boys" Taught at San Carlos Park Elementary [Lee County Public Schools], Ft. Myers, Florida, 1981-1990 Also worked at a Boy Scout camp: Camp Miles, Punta Gorda, Florida Formerly taught at: Lewis Elementary School [Foxborough Public Schools], Foxborough, Massachusetts Mabelle M. Burrell Elementary School [Foxborough Public Schools], Foxborough, Massachusetts John J. Ahern Middle School [Foxborough Public Schools], Foxborough, Massachusetts http://articles.boston.com/2012-09-28/metro/34131634_1_abuse-charges-foxborough-sexual-assaults http://news.bostonherald.com/news/r...ed_foxboro_teacher_faces_child_abuse_charges/ http://walpole.patch.com/articles/r...ng-scandal-burglars-tie-up-homeowner-and-more Tags:
News Press: New abuse allegation surfaces for former Lee County teacher: Man linked to incident at Boy Scout camp in 1980s (Nov 5 2012) A former Lee County teacher under investigation for sexually abusing minors in Massachusetts may have abused at least one victim in Southwest Florida. The Fort Myers man was never arrested, and now it might be too late. William Sheehan was accused of molesting a minor employee at Camp Miles, a Boy Scout camp in Punta Gorda, during three consecutive summers in the 1980s....Sheehan, now 73, suffers from late-stage Alzhiemer’s disease and lives in a Fort Myers nursing home, according to his son ...At Camp Miles, Sheehan was accused of embracing a boy and rubbing his penis against him in the boy’s bed and while they were swimming. He also told the boy he had obtained special benefits for him, such as a pay raise and promotion, according to a complaint by the state Education Practices Commission. The commission permanently revoked Sheehan’s teaching certificate in 1990.
Accused repeat sex abuser tied to SWFL Boy Scout camp The News-Press and USA Today report Tuesday evening ties a known sexual predator from up north directly to a Boy Scouts of America camp in Charlotte County. The story quotes a man named Aaron Averhart, who said William Sheehan molested him at Camp Miles, which is off Bermont Road, in 1989. At the time, when Sheehan moved to Florida he was a teacher at San Carlos Park Elementary and worked at the camp. Sheehan’s name is on the Boy Scouts’ official list of known predators. Many victims in Massachusetts have also come forward. Sheehan was never arrested, and died in ... Continue reading... https://www.winknews.com/2019/11/05/accused-repeat-sex-abuser-tied-to-swfl-boy-scout-camp/
William Sheehan in 1981 'It was hush, hush. It made me sick.' Dozens accuse ex-Boy Scout leader of sex abuse. Are there more victims? Keith Briggs will never forget the knock on his cabin door at Camp Miles, a Boy Scouts of America camp in the swamp and pine flatwoods of Punta Gorda. The year was 1989. There stood one of his counselors with a young Aaron Averhart in tow. "'Mr. Briggs, you've got a problem,'" the former camp director recalled his counselor's words. "'Sheehan's going into his tent every night and abusing him sexually." For 100 years, the Boy Scouts of America has kept a list of men, today numbering in the thousands, who have been banned from scouting for real or alleged ... Continue reading... https://www.floridatoday.com/in-dep...use-boy-scout-leader-bill-sheehan/1525868001/
SWFL man’s sexual abuse of young boys chronicled in almost 300-page documentation We acquired hundreds of pages of documentation chronicling the years of inappropriate touching a former Lee County teacher who was also a Charlotte County camp counselor is accused of committing against several young boys. Eventually, the teacher resigned, and the state stripped him of his certificate. This man is William Sheehan, a former Boy Scout leader and former fourth-grade teacher at San Carlos Park Elementary School back in the 1980s. Aaron Averhart was 15 years old when he reported Sheehan after he says Sheehan sexually abused him for years at Camp Miles in Charlotte County. Averhart told us he was ... Continue reading... https://www.winknews.com/2019/11/21...-chronicled-in-almost-300-page-documentation/