Philadelphia, PA: When Curtis was known as the Coitus Institute

Discussion in 'Articles' started by News Readers, Jul 25, 2019.

  1. News Readers

    News Readers The Paperboy

    When Curtis was known as the Coitus Institute

    In today’s article about allegations of sexual abuse at the Curtis Institute, the Philadelphia Inquirer references an article that appeared on Slipped Disc six years ago at its former hosting site, a post which is now inaccessible. Happily, the text endures. The article, by long-serving Curtis Dean Robert Fitzpatrick, was titled ‘When Curtis was known as the Coitus Institute’. The headline was mine, not the Dean’s, but the text is his and it remains as insightful and important as it was the day it was written. Lara St John says it was the sight of this article that prompted her ...

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