Father marries off 8-year-old girl Police in the eastern district of Iganga recently arrested a 40-year old father who allegedly married off his eight-year-old daughter to her 32-year-old primary teacher for Shs 300,000 and a rooster. Busoga Regional Police Spokesman Samson Lubega said the ... Continue reading... http://observer.ug/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=31353&Itemid=114
Father marries off 8-year-old girl Police in the eastern district of Iganga recently arrested a 40-year old father who allegedly married off his eight-year-old daughter to her 32-year-old primary teacher for Shs 300,000 and a rooster. Busoga Regional Police ... Continue reading... http://www.observer.ug/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=31353:-father-marries-off-8-year-old-girl&catid=34:news&Itemid=114