Most schools pass the test

Discussion in 'Articles' started by News Readers, Apr 15, 2018.

  1. News Readers

    News Readers The Paperboy

    Most schools pass the test

    Editor’s Note:

    Sunshine Week 2018 was March 11-17. The Morning Journal news staff conducted its information audit from March 15-21. We focused on sexual harassment and sexual misconduct within Columbiana County public schools.

    For this exercise, reporters were assigned to ask each school district:

    * Do you have a written anti-sexual harassment/misconduct policy?

    * Is the policy posted in prominent places throughout the building?

    * Have any employees or anyone affiliated with the school system been disciplined or dismissed for violation of the sexual harassment/misconduct policy in the last five years?

    * Have any employees faced criminal sex-related charges?

    * How are the records of disciplined or dismissed employees or school affiliates handled going forward? If they seek other jobs in a school environment is the prospective employer notified of these allegations/convictions or the reasons for dismissal?

    The following stories are the results of these information requests.

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