Mississippi: The real forgotten Americans: School-to-prison pipelines, poverty and crime down south

Discussion in 'Articles' started by News Readers, Feb 4, 2017.

  1. News Readers

    News Readers The Paperboy

    The real forgotten Americans: School-to-prison pipelines, poverty and crime down south

    When Donald J. Trump assumed the presidency and put forth his agenda for our country, he proclaimed himself, as he did in the campaign, the voice of “the forgotten Americans.” To Trump, these “forgotten Americans” are the white working-class Rust Belt voters who catapulted him to the presidency, people who see themselves as an aggrieved silent majority whose diminished social and economic status never gains the attention of a coastal elite preoccupied with political correctness and minority rights. But the truth is this: These white working-class voters have never been forgotten, while those who truly are forgotten still don’t have ...

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