Josie Walker, Clay Center, Kansas (arrested Apr 2021) [providing alcohol to minors]

Discussion in 'Other Improper Behaviors' started by News Readers, Apr 30, 2021.

  1. News Readers

    News Readers The Paperboy

    upload_2021-5-1_8-53-2.png upload_2021-5-1_8-51-34.png

    Josie Walker, 31, science teacher at Clay Center Community High School, Clay County Unified School District 379, Clay Center, Kansas, providing alcohol to minors

    Clay County Community High School teacher faces charges of providing alcohol to minors

    A Clay County Community High School science teacher has resigned after an accusation emerged that she provided alcohol to minors. Josie Walker, 31, hosted minors and let them consume alcoholic beverages, according to a complaint with the District Court of Clay County. It states that Walker let minors “unlawfully, intentionally and recklessly” consume alcohol between Sept. 1, 2019 and March 16, 2021. Superintendent Brett Nelson confirmed to KSNT News that Walker has resigned her position with the school system after the charges emerged. Walker faces two counts: one for furnishing alcohol, and a second count for purchasing alcohol for a ...

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    Josie Walker, Clay Center Community High School, Clay County Unified School District 379, Clay Center, Kansas