Jessica Ruth Bollinger (210 Ashmore St., Greer, South Carolina), 31, choral teacher at Greer High School, Greenville County School District, Greer, South Carolina, "charged with sexual battery of a student" Greer Today: Former Greer High teacher charged with having sex with student (Dec 121 2013) Jessica Ruth Bollinger, 31, is charged with sexual battery with a student 16 or 17 years of age, with no aggravated force or coercion. The sexual relationship occurred during the 2012-2013 school year, when Bollinger was teaching at Greer, according to the arrest warrant. Despite the boy being the age of consent in South Carolina, it is a crime in the state for a teacher to have sex with a student. Tags:
Count on 2: Ex-SC teacher arrested for having sex with teen student, report says (Dec 12 2013) The arrest warrant states [Jessica] Bollinger, 31, committed sexual battery with a 17 year old boy between October of 2012 and June of this year. The Greer Police Department incident report says Bollinger was called to the school principal's office after the allegation was made. Bollinger told the principal she had sex with the student "at least 5 times" according to the police report, but she said the encounters happened after he graduated. The principal sent statements from Bollinger and several students who had been told about the relationship to Greer Police.
WMBF News: Teacher accused of having sexual relationship with student (Dec 12 2013) Police arrested 31-year-old Jessica Ruth Bollinger and charged her with sexual battery with a student 16 or 17 years of age, with no aggravated force or coercion. According to the incident report, Bollinger had a sexual relationship with a student, who is now 18, from Jan. 1 to Nov. 21. WIS TV: Teacher accused of having sexual relationship with student (Dec 12 2013) NBC News: Teacher charged with sexual battery of her student (Dec 12 2013)
Greenville News: Former Greer High teacher charged in sex case, authorities say (Dec 12 2013) Jessica Ruth Bollinger, 31, of 210 Ashmore St., Greer is charged with sex / sexual battery with a student 16 or 17 years of age, no aggravated force or coercion, according to a warrant ... she resigned Nov. 22, according to a statement from Greenville County Schools. She was placed on administrative leave on Nov. 20, according to the statement. The State: Former Greer teacher charged in sex case (Dec 12 2013)
WSPA: Ex-Greer HS Teacher Bollinger Arrested For Sex With Student (Dec 12 2013) Investigators said [Jessica] Bollinger admitted she had sex with the teen. Where her story changed is when it happened -- and it makes a big difference. According to the incident report, Greer High School’s principal confronted Bollinger about her relationship with the teen last month. She admitted they had sex, but said it was after he graduated in June 2013. That would have made it legal. Detectives say her timeline changed. She later told them it happened at her house between Oct. 2012 and June 2013, while the 17-year-old was still a student.
Greenville County School District via WMBF News: Press Release (Dec 12 2013) Ms. Jessica Bollinger, former choral teacher at Greer High School, resigned Friday afternoon, Nov. 22, during the course of the district's investigation of the allegations. She had been placed on administrative leave on Nov. 20 pending investigation by the school district and law enforcement. District officials will report their findings to the State Department of Education to take action regarding her teaching certificate. She has taught at Greer High since August 2004.
I've flagged it with the "Pre-Trial Diversion" prefix, which was the resolution for this case: We only remove threads where the person appears to have been wrongfully arrested in the first place. News reports even cited you as "admitting to having sex with a student 'at least five times'": Choir teacher, 31, arrested for having sex with student 'at least five times' but insists affair happened after he graduated Choir teacher Jessica Bollinger, 31, was arrested Thursday on charges she had sex with a student She admitted having sex with the student 'at least five times' when asked by Greer High School's principal last month Bollinger insisted that the affair happened after the student graduated Police believe the affair started before that, in October 2012, when the victim was 17 and still a student In South Carolina, it is illegal for a teacher to have sex with a student, even if the student is the age of consent