Illinois: Chicago police officer Nicholas Stella charged in gambling case destroyed phone: Feds

Discussion in 'Police, Jailers, Prison Guards, Firefighters, etc.' started by News Readers, Jan 26, 2021.

  1. News Readers

    News Readers The Paperboy

    "A judge also ruled that Nicholas Stella should remain behind bars for allegations that he “violently assaulted his girlfriend” this month."


    Chicago police officer charged in gambling case destroyed phone: Feds

    A Chicago police officer charged in a federal sports gambling case allegedly destroyed his phone when investigators sought to search it, a detail revealed Tuesday as a prosecutor tried to keep the officer behind bars for an alleged violent attack on the officer’s girlfriend. U.S. District Judge Virginia Kendall last week ordered the officer, Nicholas Stella, into Chicago’s federal lockup after prosecutors said Stella “violently assaulted his girlfriend” Jan. 16. The judge confirmed her ruling at the end of a hearing Tuesday, during which the prosecutor played a recorded 911 call placed by the girlfriend after the alleged attack at ...

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