Harrisburgh, Pennsylvania: Why I [Michael Bagdes-Canning] got arrested

Discussion in 'Articles' started by News Readers, Feb 25, 2024.

  1. News Readers

    News Readers The Paperboy

    Why I got arrested

    I was arrested on Jan. 31, 2023. Some of my friends and I decided to force an encounter with one of our “leaders.” Sen. Scott Martin was holding a $1,000-per-plate fundraiser at a restaurant near the Capitol in Harrisburg. These fundraisers are where the bribers can bribe our legislators over a very expensive meal. We sat at the entrance wearing Hazmat suits with a banner that read, “You Take Bribes, The Planet Dies.” At some point, state Sen. Mike Regan arrived and pushed me to the ground to gain access. This was captured by a journalist (https://twitter.com/pennslinger/status/1620460640161910785) and all of ...

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