Dennis Craig Smith, British Columbia, Canada (certificate revoked Apr 2012) [embezzlement]

Discussion in 'English-Speaking Countries and Europe' started by TMP, Oct 26, 2012.

  1. TMP

    TMP Himself

    Dennis Craig Smith (school and city not specified), British Columbia, Canada, teaching certificate revoked for at least five years for embezzlement

    British Columbia Ministry of Education, Teacher Regulation Branch:

    Consent Resolution Agreement executed: April 27, 2012

    In the matter concerning:

    Dennis Craig Smith

    Dennis Craig Smith admitted to professional misconduct and agreed that his conduct was contrary to Standard 2. While employed as an elementary school principal, Mr. Smith also acted as treasurer of a local principals' and vice principals' association. This association receives its professional development funds from the school district. In his role as treasurer, Mr. Smith was an authorized signatory on the association's bank account. A forensic investigation of financial irregularities indicated that Mr. Smith had signed cheques made payable to himself from the association's account in the amount of nearly $29,000. The money was for professional development expenses, although they were not supported with any substantiating documentation. At the time of signing the agreement, Mr. Smith had repaid most of the money back to the association. On April 27, 2012, the Commissioner executed the Consent Resolution Agreement in which Mr. Smith agreed not to re-apply for a certificate of qualification for a period of no less than five years. His certificate of qualification was cancelled on November 1, 2011 due to non-payment of fees.

    CBC: B.C. teacher disciplined for surfing porn (Oct 26 2012)

    Dennis Craig Smith, who was an elementary school principal, lost his teaching certificate for at least five years after he admitted taking $29,000 from a principals' and vice principals' association, of which he was the treasurer, the branch report said.

    Global TV BC: B.C. teacher disciplined for dragging student by hoodie: new agency (Oct 25 2012)

    Dennis Craig Smith, who was an elementary school principal, lost his teaching certificate for at least five years after he admitted taking $29,000 from a principals' and vice principals' association, of which he was the treasurer, the branch report said.

    Huffington Post: Lynna Darlene Schaldemose, Teacher, Suspended For Dragging Student (Oct 25 2012)

    Dennis Craig Smith, who was an elementary school principal, lost his teaching certificate for at least five years after he admitted taking $29,000 from a principals' and vice principals' association, of which he was the treasurer, the branch report said.

    Dennis Craig Smith, British Columbia, Canada, British Columbia Ministry of Education, Teacher Regulation Branch