California Lawmakers Consider How To Regulate Homeschools After Abuse Discovery

Discussion in 'Articles' started by News Readers, Apr 9, 2018.

  1. News Readers

    News Readers The Paperboy

    California Lawmakers Consider How To Regulate Homeschools After Abuse Discovery

    Adam and Holly Groza are homeschool parents in Redlands, Calif., a suburban town an hour east of Los Angeles. "We met families that homeschooled and they were mature, and thoughtful, and kind," Holly says. "These teenagers would look at you when you talked and actually interact. And, I think we saw that end goal and said, 'That's what we want.'" The four Groza children, ages 6 through 12, get as much social interaction and life experience as any other student through activities like sports and drama classes. But just an hour from here, and just three months ago, a homeschooled ...

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