Buffalo, New York: Nardin teacher fired after use of 'racially charged language' sparked controversy

Discussion in 'Articles' started by News Readers, Apr 22, 2023.

  1. News Readers

    News Readers The Paperboy

    Nardin teacher's removal following use of 'racially charged language' sparked controversy

    It was intended as a teachable moment. That's what a veteran science teacher at Nardin Academy later explained after hearing a high school student use a word in her classroom hurtful to people with physical and mental disabilities. Marilou Bebak responded by telling the student in front of her classmates that it was inappropriate to use the "R-word," comparing it to the "N-word," saying both in exactly those terms. "An event took place on March 17, 2023 during one of Ms. Bebak's classes that involved Ms. Bebak using racially charged language directed at a Black student," Nardin President Sandra Betters ...

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