Bucks County, Pennsylvania: New guidelines unlikely to deter predatory teachers

Discussion in 'Articles' started by News Readers, Feb 9, 2020.

  1. News Readers

    News Readers The Paperboy

    Gianficaro: New guidelines unlikely to deter predatory teachers

    After two teacher-student sex cases in one year, Palisades is the latest Bucks County school district to consider adopting a version of Policy 824, which defines what’s appropriate conduct between teachers and students. Will the policy give the small number of predatory teachers pause or embolden them? There was a female student, and there was a line, and a male teacher crossed it. He gave the teenager extra academic help late in the school day for weeks. Praised her on her improvement. Made her feel special. The grooming had begun. He offered her a ride home from school one day. ...

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