Alabama: How student victims of sexual misconduct by teachers can report abuse and heal

Discussion in 'Articles' started by News Readers, Mar 22, 2021.

  1. News Readers

    News Readers The Paperboy

    How student victims of sexual misconduct by teachers can report abuse and heal

    In the past two months, two northwest Alabama teachers, Ashton McCluskey and Jerry Benford, were arrested and charged with sexual misconduct with a student. Adults, trusted with the authority to teach and mold young minds—but when that trust is broken, how do student victims move on? The Alabama State Department of Education looks to prevent the problem before it even starts, with training. “It is educator ethics training,” Associate General Counsel Susan Crowther said. “It’s available for free on our website. There are videos, there are PDFs of documents to use for that training. The videos themselves have scenarios that ...

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