Alabama: DA discusses teacher, student relationships

Discussion in 'Articles' started by News Readers, Aug 2, 2016.

  1. News Readers

    News Readers The Paperboy

    DA discusses teacher, student relationships

    Opp City Schools kicked off their school year with a district-wide employee meeting Monday. OCS Assistant Superintendent Emily Edgar said that District Attorney Walt Merrell presented “Blurred Lines,” which she described as a powerful message regarding teacher-student sexual misconduct. “Merrell delivered a crystal-clear explanation of the law and its repercussions, if violated.” Edgar said that Merrell provided example of potential dangerous practices for educators such as social media, texting, inappropriate conversations and unaccompanied time. “The real-life examples Merrell gave were informative of just how situations can spiral into such horrible outcomes, which literally ruins lives,” she said. Merrell said that ...

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